Welcome to Bristol Ariel EasyRow®
Unleash Your Potential with Every Stroke!

Immerse yourself in the excitement and tranquillity of the river with EasyRow®. We believe in transforming fitness into an engaging, all-encompassing experience, and our EasyRow® craft are designed to do just that. Join us to embark on a journey of fun, fitness, and exploration.

RowSup boards

EasyRow® is not just a workout—it's a lifestyle. It's an opportunity to strengthen every major muscle group, boost cardiovascular health, and improve coordination, all while experiencing the serene beauty of the river. Our carefully designed, user-friendly craft ensure a quick learning curve, so you'll be confidently rowing in no time, regardless of your age or experience level.

What sets EasyRow® apart is its capacity to transform fitness into an enjoyable adventure. Embrace the rhythm of the river and with every stroke, you'll not only burn calories but also relieve stress, promote agility, and foster a deeper connection with nature.

Why EasyRow®?

  • Full-Body Workout: Rowing engages nearly every major muscle group in your body, offering a comprehensive workout that promotes strength and endurance.

  • Cardiovascular Fitness: It's an excellent form of aerobic exercise, boosting heart health and lung capacity.

  • Low-Impact Exercise: Unlike many forms of cardio, rowing is low-impact, making it easier on your joints while still offering a robust workout.

  • Calorie Burn: Rowing is a high-energy activity that can help burn calories and contribute to weight management or weight loss goals.

  • Stress Relief: The rhythmic nature of rowing, combined with the tranquil setting of the river, can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

  • Improved Posture: The specific movements in rowing help strengthen your back and shoulders, potentially leading to improvements in your posture.

  • Enhanced Agility & Coordination: The coordinated effort of rowing improves agility and enhances hand-eye coordination.

  • Social Engagement: Rowing in groups can foster a sense of community, encouraging social engagement and promoting emotional health.

The journey with EasyRow®is an unforgettable fusion of health, adventure, and camaraderie. So why wait? Reach out to us today to learn more about this innovative rowing experience.